Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Okay for a few years ago I took a second mortgage on my house My first mortgage is about 220k and my second is about

Okay for a few years ago I took a second mortgage on my house. My first mortgage is about 220k, and my second is about 60K. What happens if I pay more and keep the second mortgage only first mortgage payment to do. Can I be reported? or are they just an attack on my house? You already have a mortgage, they protect the house. She is a mortgage on the property, there mortgages. (You pay the loan, but mortgage or deed of trust in certain states, is what the Bank reserves the right to take home if you do not pay the loan.) Call them and ask for loss mitigation and help them Looking for a Change if you can not pay. I am not a lawyer to be so should not be construed as legal advice here. Ask a attorney.who will tell you the same I just did. Patrick Lea, Cincinnati Agents (R) It is true that they already have a mortgage on your house.


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