Saturday, December 11, 2010

If the first mortgage is paid on time and not injured but the second mortgage is behind the second mortgage on the

If the first mortgage is paid on time, and not injured, but the second mortgage is behind the second mortgage on the house to the standard? Actually most of the time they can make a lien on your house. Primary mortgage holder, no rules about it myself. In addition, it is a dangerous road. Search for refinance ASAP. Only one credit course. The loan is secured against the property. If you do not pay, they go after you. Plus, you have no protection if a second mortgage nonrecouse and IRS come after you for tax on lenders loss. Pay the second mortgage is secured by the property as a first mortgage. The only difference that gets in second place behind the first mortgage, so that the first mortgage payment first means, they conclude. If the second mortgage, since the same lender, the first mortgage to show not only the two of you can find out anything.


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